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114 lines

  1. # ---> C
  2. # Prerequisites
  3. *.d
  4. # Object files
  5. *.o
  6. *.ko
  7. *.obj
  8. *.elf
  9. # Linker output
  10. *.ilk
  11. *.map
  12. *.exp
  13. # Precompiled Headers
  14. *.gch
  15. *.pch
  16. # Libraries
  17. *.lib
  18. *.a
  19. *.la
  20. *.lo
  21. # Shared objects (inc. Windows DLLs)
  22. *.dll
  23. *.so
  24. *.so.*
  25. *.dylib
  26. # Executables
  27. *.exe
  28. *.out
  29. *.app
  30. *.i*86
  31. *.x86_64
  32. *.hex
  33. # Debug files
  34. *.dSYM/
  35. *.su
  36. *.idb
  37. *.pdb
  38. # Kernel Module Compile Results
  39. *.mod*
  40. *.cmd
  41. .tmp_versions/
  42. modules.order
  43. Module.symvers
  44. Mkfile.old
  45. dkms.conf
  46. # ---> C++
  47. # Prerequisites
  48. *.d
  49. # Compiled Object files
  50. *.slo
  51. *.lo
  52. *.o
  53. *.obj
  54. # Precompiled Headers
  55. *.gch
  56. *.pch
  57. # Compiled Dynamic libraries
  58. *.so
  59. *.dylib
  60. *.dll
  61. # Fortran module files
  62. *.mod
  63. *.smod
  64. # Compiled Static libraries
  65. *.lai
  66. *.la
  67. *.a
  68. *.lib
  69. # Executables
  70. *.exe
  71. *.out
  72. *.app
  73. # ---> Java
  74. # Compiled class file
  75. *.class
  76. # Log file
  77. *.log
  78. # BlueJ files
  79. *.ctxt
  80. # Mobile Tools for Java (J2ME)
  81. .mtj.tmp/
  82. # Package Files #
  83. *.jar
  84. *.war
  85. *.nar
  86. *.ear
  87. *.zip
  88. *.tar.gz
  89. *.rar
  90. # virtual machine crash logs, see
  91. hs_err_pid*