#181 Which should I use, gun grease or gun oil?

créé il y a 1 an par emmaevaa · 0 commentaires
emmaevaa a commenté il y a 1 an

Their viscosity is what separates them the most. Gun oils and lubricants often have a lower viscosity, whereas grease typically has a gooier, more gelatinous texture. In line with best firearm lubricant Grease has the advantage of being resistant to harsh conditions, although nowadays, for typical purposes, most people stay with gun oils.

Their viscosity is what separates them the most. Gun oils and lubricants often have a lower viscosity, whereas grease typically has a gooier, more gelatinous texture. In line with [best firearm lubricant](https://gunsnot.com/) Grease has the advantage of being resistant to harsh conditions, although nowadays, for typical purposes, most people stay with gun oils.
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