#1 Why are The CCNA are Being Used in Storybooks?

открыта 1 год назад marilyn59 · комментариев: 0
marilyn59 прокомментировал 1 год назад

Hello everyone, this is me Marilyn K from the Auburn, USA. Reading is my passion and I read many books since my childhood but now I can't understand that why jim dorey is mentioning CCNA in his book of success is this a sign to work on CCNA or something else?

Hello everyone, this is me Marilyn K from the Auburn, USA. Reading is my passion and I read many books since my childhood but now I can't understand that why [jim dorey](https://jimdorey.net/) is mentioning CCNA in his book of success is this a sign to work on CCNA or something else?
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