2 Reiki Healing: What You Need To Know
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Tantra sadhana refers to the practice of spiritual disciplines in the Tantra tradition. The Tantra tradition is a spiritual path that originated in India and is focused on the attainment of spiritual liberation through the cultivation of spiritual energy. The seven stages of Tantra sadhana are:

Shatkarma: This stage involves the purification of the body and mind through various techniques such as asana (yoga postures), pranayama (breath control), and kriya (purification techniques).

Asana: This stage involves the practice of physical postures and movements to cultivate strength, flexibility, and stability. Pranayama: This stage involves the practice of breath control techniques to cultivate the flow of prana (life force) in the body. Pratyahara: This stage involves the withdrawal of the senses from external stimuli and the cultivation of inner awareness. Dharana: This stage involves the concentration of the mind on a single point or object.

Dhyana: This stage involves the sustained concentration of the mind on a single point or object.

Samadhi: This is the final stage of Tantra sadhana, which involves the attainment of a state of union with the divine.

These stages are not necessarily linear and may be practiced in different orders depending on the individual and their spiritual goals. The practice of Tantra sadhana is intended to lead to personal transformation and spiritual liberation.