#74 What Does the X Mean on Snapchat?

открыта 10 месяцев назад onilegeeks123 · комментариев: 0
onilegeeks123 прокомментировал 10 месяцев назад

If you are wondering what does the X mean on Snapchat then you landed on the right platform. When an X sign appears next to someone’s name on snapchat then that indicates that you don’t have a mutual friendship or relationship with them on Snapchat. Well there are also many reasons when X signs appear next to someone’s name but the most common reason is above.

If you are wondering [what does the X mean on Snapchat](https://onlinegeeks.net/what-does-the-x-mean-on-snapchat/) then you landed on the right platform. When an X sign appears next to someone’s name on snapchat then that indicates that you don’t have a mutual friendship or relationship with them on Snapchat. Well there are also many reasons when X signs appear next to someone’s name but the most common reason is above.
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