#1 Do I Need To Pay Anything While Using Cash App Business Account Services?

otevřeno před 1 rokem uživatelem otismaibe · 0 komentářů
otismaibe okomentoval před 1 rokem

As per the policy and Cash App TOS, if you make proper utilization of Cash App Business Account for your needs, you have to pay a small charge every time you accept payments on your Cash App account.The charge on each acceptance on your Cash App business account will be of 3%. However, you will be glad to know that there is no limit when it comes to receiving the money on your Cash App business account.

As per the policy and Cash App TOS, if you make proper utilization of [Cash App Business Account](https://www.cashappcustomersupport.com/blog/cash-app-for-business-account/) for your needs, you have to pay a small charge every time you accept payments on your Cash App account.The charge on each acceptance on your Cash App business account will be of 3%. However, you will be glad to know that there is no limit when it comes to receiving the money on your Cash App business account.
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