#162 Does creatine cause weight gain?

открыта 1 год назад Ella_Elizabeth · комментариев: 0
Ella_Elizabeth прокомментировал 1 год назад

The short answer is yes, using creatine can cause weight gain. In line with Best Supplements for Athletes According to studies, taking creatine can cause you to gain weight quickly, especially if you load up first. For instance, a 2003 study discovered that individuals gained an average of 3.75 pounds after 30 days of taking high-dose creatine supplements.

The short answer is yes, using creatine can cause weight gain. In line with [Best Supplements for Athletes](https://stokedamericanfitness.com/index.php/product/two-stoked-stack/) According to studies, taking creatine can cause you to gain weight quickly, especially if you load up first. For instance, a 2003 study discovered that individuals gained an average of 3.75 pounds after 30 days of taking high-dose creatine supplements.
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